Sande Anfang
/artist and poet
I have been dabbling in one art form or another since my preschool days, when I was exposed to still life drawing with pastels. Making art has been my constant companion on this trek. Along the way, I’ve done ceramic sculpture, painted in oils, had a silversmithing/jewelry-making business, and most recently, focused on acrylic painting and collage. Aside from miscellaneous workshops and a stint at New York’s Art Student’s League, I am mostly self-taught. I love to follow my bliss with found and recycled materials and diverse subject matter. I delight in juxtaposing small objects and photographs on a canvas or in 3-D. I also enjoy creating poetry collages, which incorporate my original writing. My subjects vary from animals to the human figure to abstract pieces. A love of strong color and themes of sensuality and heart run through my work. I hope you find some connection with what you see.