Sande Anfang
/artist and poet

I have been dabbling in one art form or another since my preschool days, when I was exposed to still life drawing with pastels. Making art has been my constant companion. I’ve done ceramic sculpture, painted in oils, had a silversmithing/jewelry-making business, and most recently, focused on acrylic painting and collage. Aside from miscellaneous workshops and a stint at New York’s Art Student’s League, I am mostly self-taught. I love to follow my bliss with found and recycled materials and diverse subject matter. I delight in juxtaposing small objects and photographs on a canvas or in 3-D. I also enjoy creating poetry collages, which incorporate my original writing.
I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for over forty years. My poetry and short fiction have been published in many journals, including Unbroken, Rattle, The MacGuffin, The New Verse News, and Spillway. My chapbook, Looking Glass Heart, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2016. Road Worrier: Poems of the Inner and Outer Landscape (Finishing Line Press, 2018) was a Lorien Prize finalist. My full-length poetry collection, Xylem Highway, was published in 2019 by Main Street Rag. My chapbook, Finishing School, was published in January, 2023 by Kelsay Books, followed by a full-length collection, Rara Avis, in 2024. I have been nominated for a Best Short Fictions award, Best of the Net, and a Pushcart Prize. I am the founder and co-host of the monthly series, Rivertown Poets, and a ten-year California Poet/Teacher in the Schools. I now live in the Las Vegas area. Read more on my poetry page.
Check out Rivertown Poets' new YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJGhlRyK54dc7M_fn7fs_CA
artist and poet
Sande Anfang